The City Nature Challenge, April 24-27, is a global citizen science experience dedicated to discovering the nature in and around cities. You can participate from your home, your yard, your neighborhood, or anywhere you can find a wild plant or animal to photograph! Why not get out and practice now–any observations in the DC metropolitan area during the entire month of April will count for the City Nature Month project!
Why participate?
It’s fun—and it’s a great reason to spend some time with nature. Your observations of plant and animal life will help scientists collect valuable data on the biodiversity of our planet.
Who is eligible?
Everyone in the metropolitan area with access to a camera and the internet can participate.
Where do I participate?
Please observe local travel restrictions and all local park closures. iNaturalist can help you become more observant and knowledgable about nature in your neighborhood, yard and home.
How do I participate?
1. Observe! (April 24-27)
Find Wildlife
It can be any plant, animal, fungus, slime mold, or any other evidence of life (scat, fur, tracks, shells, carcasses!) that you find in the DC metro area.
Take a Picture of What you Find
Be sure to note the location of the critter or plant.
Share Your Observations
By uploading your findings to iNaturalist .
2. Identify! (April 28-May 3)
Even if you are outside the area, you can help identify the creatures found by observers. It’s fun to see what people are finding! See our Resources page for information about online iNaturalist trainings.